Epifatech enters the bike sppot as a strategic sponsor

As a holistic surface-finishing competence provider for the cycling and S&L industry, the sppot always seeks to extend its cooperation

with like-minded forward-thinking companies. Thus, with great delight we announce that the Swedish suspension and masking equipment experts Epifatech join our platform as strategic sponsors.

Epifatech has more than 40 years of success in the area of masking equipment and suspension systems manufacturing for electroplating and powder coating. The company operates throughout the whole of Europe and provides a wide assortment of hooks, fittings, masking equipment, plugs and other products for both big and small scale production arrangements.

The core strengths of Epifatech lie in its customer centric approach, flexibility, and relentless pursuit of optimisation and quality.

More specifically, the company strives to be close to their customers, in order to find specially adapted solutions which are optimised for the specific needs of the client. This is achieved by thinking innovatively and identifying new approaches that deliver solutions down to the part level. Solutions that will last a long time and which, with the application of logistics thinking, deliver optimizations on every stage of the process.

Optimising production is an obvious ambition when it comes to suspension systems for surface finishing. By focusing on the process as a whole and not just the actual suspension arrangement, Epifatech provides added value for the customer, which in the final analysis saves time and offers long-term sustainability.

For Epifatech quality is not only related to the product itself, it is also a matter of gaining the trust of the customer. Ensuring that the provided solutions can be adapted to all types of projects and operations is a priority. Further, by being immersed in the customer’s production process, logistics and storage systems, Epifatech builds up a solid partnership with a level of quality that is consistently high throughout the whole process.

The above qualities enable the delivery of unparalleled value to the customer and the development of a long term healthy relationships which drives mutual success.

To learn more about Epifatech and their operations visit their website at: www.epifatech.com